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Welcome to the 4A's Jay Chiat Awards! 

We are excited to announce the return of the Jay Chiat Awards for 2024. Now in its 27th year, the Jay Chiat Awards recognizes the best strategic thinking in marketing, media and advertising around the world. A great Jay Chiat entry should capture breakthrough thinking that led to breakthrough execution. If you can point to the extraordinary strategy that led to an extraordinary idea, you have a potential Jay Chiat story.

Please note: there are new rules in place for the 2024 program. Read the information in full near the end of this page. Any case study violating these rules will be automatically disqualified.

Two new awards this year: Emerging Strategist and Visionary Strategist. Nominations for both are only open to those who submit a case study in one of the twelve categories. When you complete your submission, you'll be able to access the nomination forms. (Self-nominations are encouraged!)

We honor planning and strategy from all creative companies: media agencies, advertising agencies, brand consultancies, brand owners, designers, digital shops, experiential shops, innovation firms, PR agencies and beyond. And we honor all forms of strategy: the consumer insight, the re-framing of a problem, the re-articulation of a brand, the inspirational brief, the groundbreaking connections plan, the previously unspoken truth, the lateral use of data, the breakthrough in user experience, and any combination of them.

Only submissions that were in market at some point between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023 will be considered for the 2024 program.

If you entered in 2023 and won an award, you may enter the case in another category, provided there is substantial new information, insight and creative material to make a strong case in that category.  

Likewise, if you entered in 2023 and did not win an award, you may enter a rewritten case, provided your resubmission includes new information in regards to insight, creative and/or effectiveness.

Your submission should include:

  • A written case study (as outlined above)

  • Creative supplementary materials (as outlined above):

    • You can submit up to five pieces of supporting creative examples. Remember: we are not allowing Case Study videos to be included.

  • Accepted file formats: .doc/docx, .pdf, .mpg, .mov, .mv, .mp4, .ppt. For interactive, you can submit a linked or embedded image (.doc/docx, .pdf, .ppt) or you can submit a video. Always be sure to check that the link in the case study works and maintains anonymity of applying agency.

  • Files cannot be larger than 200MB; print can be 72 DPI.

  • Creative elements beyond marketing communications should be included if applicable. For example, visuals featuring architecture, in-store design, uniform design, etc. that were part of the overall execution. These elements can be included in the written paper or as separate files.

Your case study is expected to include:

  • A title

  • A written case study. Your written case has two parts (in a single file):

    • Part 1: A 200-word introduction that specifically explains how the strategic insight you uncovered went beyond the obvious and drove to a meaningful marketing opportunity and/or created an advantage for the brand. Papers that do not include this will be disqualified.

    • Part 2: A narrative with a maximum of 1,500 words (this word count does not include the 200-word summary), which includes the following:

      • A clear understanding of the background and business challenge.

      • A great story of the “aha”: What was the human truth you identified? How did that lead to a clearly defined problem and a leverageable strategic insight? How did it incite or provoke thinking that led to the creative execution?

      • Demonstration of the effectiveness and impact of the ideas resulting from this strategy

The Jay Chiat Awards case study should be submitted as a PDF file. The document can be no longer than 25 slides/pages.

Creative Supplementary Materials. Feel free to illustrate your case study with up to 5 creative examples and embedded videos. Remember, however, that we publish winning papers*, so don’t include visuals that you don’t hold rights on or could not obtain rights for, e.g., New Yorker cartoons or undocumented information on competitors.

*Regarding the publication of winning papers, we confirm on the submission form that your case study is acceptable to publish, needs editing before publication, or cannot be published.

No Case Study Videos
To minimize the barriers to entry and to focus on the craft of the written case itself, we are not allowing entrants to include case study videos. We will, however, welcome video samples stemming from the case study, like TV and digital ads.

No Agency/Company can submit more than 10 case studies across all categories

Start new application here

Please ensure you are registered on our site as an employee of your agency. If you're unsure, please email awards@4as.org for confirmation.

If you have any questions, reach out to awards@4as.org. And don't forget to check out the agenda for this year's StratFest.​ Best of luck!​

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